Simplifying e-Commerce integration flows with AWS Step Functions
16 November 2022
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Stone & Chalk
Join the AWS User Meetup Group at 5.30PM on 16th November, with Torbjorn van Heeswijck from Aligent set to dive into AWS Step Functions and show how they can be used to improve the developer and client experience in complex e-commerce integration flows. From on-demand order and customer creation, to long running product and stock synchronisation, Step Functions allows us to use the power of AWS services with greater clarity, flexibility, and confidence. Torbjorn is the Principal Microservices Engineer at Aligent, an agency specialising in complex ecommerce development. Aligent has been pioneering the use of Headless and Microservices development to deliver composable, flexible, and scalable ecommerce since 2017.
Stone & Chalk
Allied Health Building, Lot Fourteen
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